John cage in a landscape (1948)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Winter solstice 2015

"The mystery of darkness and divine light belongs to each of us and to the world. We are the world waiting in the darkness and we are the light waiting to be born. It is only too easy to see the darkness around us -- the forgetfulness of the sacred nature of creation, the destruction and desecration of our beautiful and suffering world. We should not avoid being aware of what we are doing to the world, but we need also to turn toward the light that is waiting within our own heart and the heart of the world. We need to hold this sacred light in our hearts and our life. We need to be the prayer for the world in this time of darkness."

–  Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Solstice blessings to all my friends...May our lives and our world be filled with light and love...

nada & eva

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Nada, thank you so much! Blessings to you.


Enjoy the reading. So as I enjoy your comments.